Smartwins project

Strengthen KTU’s capacity to conduct research on the next generation of digital twins to ensure the transition to a smart, sustainable, resilient and carbon neutral built environment.

Supporting Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) in Lithuania

Enhancing KTU's reputation

Through research, events and international collaboration

Improving KTU's research competence

In the field of smart and carbon neutral built environment with digital twins

Developing KTU's long-term collaborations

Through twinning with PoliMI, CERTH and Contecht

Integral components of smart buildings digitised assessment

First research topic

Indoor environmental quality assessment with smart sensors

Second research topic

IoT and digital twins for assessing the performance of smart buildings

Third research topic

Energy assessment of smart buildings in BIM environment

Fourth research topic

Improving KTU’s research competence

The Smartwins project aims to provide KTU with the know-how required to carry out studies on the benefits of smart technologies in assessing the energy performance of buildings by the end of 2025.

Embracing smart technologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), smart sensors, IoT and digital twins provides access to instantaneous data on the energy performance of infrastructure.

These digital technologies and 4.0 practices provide a better understanding of how systems interact to improve the energy efficiency of constructed buildings and develop new, more energy-efficient designs.

Digital twin technology also enables these issues to be made accessible to new audiences by bringing the dataset to life in a virtual representation of a building.

Developing KTU’s long-term collaborations

The consortium partners will share know-how through the production of joint scientific publications, training, staff exchanges and summer schools.

Public events

Summer schools

Training sessions

Scientific publications

Developing the full potential of digital twins

KTU have experience with digital twins and have developed the Kaunas Digital Twin.

The Kaunas Digital Twin is a digital twin of the built environment of the KTU campus and part of Kaunas city center.

The project team is experimenting with different methods to create a digital twin of the city. Some technologies are already being tested on the KTU student campus and in the university buildings. For example, the team is building a digital twin of KTU’s new M-Lab center, which is currently under construction.

The Kaunas digital twin was created using the OpenCities Planner platform from infrastructure engineering software company Bentleys, Inc.


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