Free online courses on the assessment of building energy performance

Benefit from free online training organised by SmartWins at Polimi on digital twin for the assessment of building energy performance

Training courses

Introduction to Indoor Environment Quality with Prof. Livio Mazzarella

Indoor environment quality (IEQ) is one of the most important aspects in a building’s environment which can affect the health and wellbeing of the occupants as well as lifecycle costs, and energy consumption at operational level. IEQ is determined by many factors including thermal comfort, visual comfort (lighting and daylight), air quality and ventilation, acoustic comfort. So, during this training session the fundamentals about IEQ will be explained.

Vapour compression and thermal driven heat pumps with Rossano Scoccia

Vapour compression and thermal driven heat pumps are key technologies to increase the energy efficiency of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in buildings, exploiting renewable energy sources (RES). During this training session the fundamentals of these two technologies will be explained.

Floor Heating with Displacement Ventilation: An Experimental and Numerical Analysis with Prof. Francesco Causone

An experimental and numerical analysis of a floor heating system with displacement ventilation will be shown and discussed by Prof. Francesco Causone who did this activity during his PhD.

Floor Heating with Displacement Ventilation: An Experimental and Numerical Analysis with Prof. Francesco Causone

An experimental and numerical analysis of a floor heating system with displacement ventilation will be shown and discussed by Prof. Francesco Causone who did this activity during his PhD.

The Relab laboratory with Patrizia Melograno

During this training session, the Relab laboratory is presented with a focus on the heat pumps certification methods. The Relab is a laboratory for the development and the performance assessment of renewable energy appliances for heating, cooling and DHW. RELAB is one of the laboratories of “Politecnico di Milano” which addresses its offer to HVAC and domestic hot water production industries. It provides a wide range of test services aimed at the research and development of products and at the acoustic and performance evaluation in accordance to the most recent standards (such as EN 14511, EN14825, EN16147, EN1397, EN12309, EN16583 and EN12102) and European regulation (ECO design, ECO Label and ErP directives). 

Designing IEQ – EN 16798 standard with Prof. Livio Mazzarella

The new standard EN 16798 about IEQ that replaces EN 15251 is being discussed.

Relab’s thermal driven heat pumps prototypes with Giorgio Villa

The latest thermal driven heat pumps prototypes developed in Relab is shown.

IEQ assessment through Smart Sensors and Digitalization, the COLLECTiEF EU Project and the Sphensor sensor with Greta Tresoldi from LSI LASTEM company

Greta Tresoldi from the company LSI talk about IEQ assessment through Smart Sensors and Digitalization of buildings showing the results of the COLLECTiEF EU Project where their latest technology “Sphensor” has been used.


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